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Weekend Routine Medical Students Should Try This MBBS Semester

Weekend routine medical students should try this MBBS semester

Time management is low-key nightmare for medical students like me-

it’s very hard to find time for everything and stay productive in medical college.

So it’s important for medical students to have a productive weekend routine in college.

First of all let me announce the disclaimer- this post mainly targets first year students, because senior students already know these things.

But if you want to read along, then jump right in!

Weekend routine ideas for medical students

Start with a relaxing morning routine

Finally! The weekend is here, and you might be dying to binge watch anything that pops on your phone.

That can wait, for now.

Wake up at the same time as you do on weekdays.

You can read this post if you want to be a morning person!

Try not to sleep in if you can.

Give yourself a relaxing morning routine– here are some examples:

Go through the topics taken that week

I’m not saying this to discourage you, but the amount of information that we have to learn is so huge!

And its not like we can omit any topic.

So, it’s best to go through all the topics covered that week itself.

It’s a great waye to learn things in medical college- constant revision and repetition.

I would recommend to use your lecture notes as a guide to read the textbooks.

(Never study from your notes alone! ALWAYS read the textbook, otherwise you will miss out on a lot of information)

Take breaks in between your study session, keep yourself hydrated, and yay! Learning is a lot more easier 😊.

Get all your paperwork done

There might be a ton of lab record books waiting on the table for you to complete!

I know, I don’t like writing record/log books either 🙁.

But it feels so satisfying when you have completed it beforehand and not have to worry about it through the weekend!

Try to finish up all the lab work as early as possible.

Do it when you are feeling the least motivated to study, or when you are sleepy. Don’t give it your productive hours, that’s all.

Play some music or partner up with your friends to make writing a lot more fun!

I have made a weekly printable planner for you to keep track of all your record works, due dates and topics to study.

It’s free, and if you want it, you can sign up through your email and I’ll send it right into your inbox!

Free Printable Weekly Planner for Medicos

Sign up to download your FREE Weekly Planner NOW!Yes, I want the Planner!

Eat a healthy meal once in a while

Yeah, it’s hostel life.

You no longer get your favorite pulaw or that creamy paneer dish your mom makes 😫.

So you have been ordering those pizzas and biriyanis to shut that craving out.

It’s okay to eat anything greasy and gooey once in a while, but at least on weekends, try to eat something healthy.

Try some fresh fruits or salads for a change.

Or you can get fresh healthy snacks at Snackible, where you’ll find wonderful picks of healthy snacks which are absolutely free of chemicals and preservatives!

Get your backpack ready

You don’t want to forget to take that ophthalmology assignment that you spend your whole week preparing, do you?

It’s always best to pack your bag on the weekend itself, because Monday mornings are almost nonexistent. Almost.

Toss in everything for Monday, be it notes, coat, stethoscope, textbooks, and even a bottle of water.

Spend time with your friends

I know I don’t have to stress this- it might be the only one thing you are probably doing everyday without interruptions 😂.

Spending time with your friends is a great stress relief for medicos.

So go from a walk or eat out or chat incessantly until you feel better.

(This doesn’t apply for exam seasons though 😬)

Wind down early. Get enough sleep.

Scrolling through your social media feeds looks like a reward, but not at the cost of your sleep.

So make sure to put your phones in aeroplane mode, shut down your laptop and put away your tab and get a good night’s sleep.

It should become an important part of your weekend routine as a medical student.

These are just some things that I like to do on weekends to keep up the pace, but of course we can not always stick to a routine.

Being a medico means staying busy all the time.

That’s one part of this profession, and let’s be proud of it 😇.

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