Coronavirus Chandigarh Live Update
The entire world is dealing with Coronavirus Outbreak. Every day we wake up with news of people dying due to it. Recently, WHO has declared it a Pandemic, which means the number of infected people, cases, and deaths can increase at an alarming rate.
As everybody says, “Prevention is better than Cure”. People in the coronavirus hit countries are dealing with it in their way. The government is taking the necessary steps and making people aware of Covid-19.
With the right knowledge and right guidance, you can stay safe from it. To clear your misconceptions and help you stay on the safe side, we jotted down this detailed article on Coronavirus 2019. Read and understand what you need to know to deal with it.
What is Coronavirus?
It is a family of viruses that originated from animals. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-Cov) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-Cov), these both also belong to the Cov family.
Coronavirus disease, also called COVID-19, is highly contagious and spreads at a fast pace in different parts of the world. It is claimed that SARS-Cov came from Civet Cats and MERS-Cov from dromedary camels to humans.
The common symptoms include fever, common cold, cough, sneezing, shortness of breath, and difficulties. The COVID-19 also has been spread from Animals to Humans. The exact source is still unknown.
The majority of people came to know about this virus in December after it became prevalent in Wuhan. To deal with this pandemic and prevent more deaths in the future, WHO has released various preventive measures.
Before that, let’s understand where it came, and which country is its epicenter?
From where the Coronovirus came?
According to the reports and as health officials said, the virus originated in Wuhan. At the end of December, the Chinese Public Health Officials informed the World Health Organisation about a new virus that shows pneumonia-like symptoms in humans.
After analysis, it was determined that it was quickly spreading in Wuhan and the area around it. The Covid-19 virus is found in almost every animal and can infect humans also.
The MERS outbreak in 2012 and SARS in 2002 led to many deaths around the world. SARS originated in China while MERS in Saudi Arabia, and Covid-19 is said to come from the Seafood Market of Wuhan.
But after analysis, it was found that the infected person has no link with the market. The experts are still trying hard to find the source and link with it.
As of March 2020, China and Italy have the most number of Coronavirus Cases, and the numbers are increasing every day. India has reached Stage 2 compared to other countries where the outbreak is severe.
Who is at risk, and how dangerous is Covid-19?
COVID-19 that stands for Corona (CO) VIRUS (VI) Disease (D) 2019 (year). This virus attacks the respiratory system, which later leads to shortness of breath or heart attack.
The earlier symptoms are cough, sneeze, and fever. In some cases, the symptoms go unnoticed or don’t appear at all. The people who are at risk are those who are in close contact with the Coronavirus infected person.
Plenty of infected people are oblivious of the fact that they have contracted the COVID-19 from somewhere. Within 14 days, the symptoms start appearing. Like if you have a mild fever that stayed long enough for 72 hours, then you need medical attention.
Other symptoms include headache, muscle aches, diarrhoea, flu, and pneumonia. Don’t panic if you have any of these symptoms, but seek medical assistance immediately.
Well, it’s not sure that if you have the above symptoms, that means you are diagnosed with COVID-19; it can be something else also.
Talking about how severe or dangerous this illness then understands that it is highly contagious. The problem is its infectious nature and can affect people on a large scale.
A small disease that is highly transmissible can prove devastating at a global level. The symptoms range from Mild to Severe. The chances are 80% of the cases are yet to be discovered and need hospitalization.
The category of people who are at high risk are those who already have some underlying health issues. The people above the age of 60 are at high risk. Moreover, considering the coronavirus cases in India, the three people who died were of age above 60. The reason they died can be their weak immune system or underlying diseases like heart problems, diabetes, kidney issues, respiration related problems, etc.
To know the pandemic situation in any specific country, you can see this Map.
How easily can the Coronavirus spread?
The virus is taking rounds around the world. But Tricity people relax, we all are safe yet. The situation is under control, and there are very few suspected cases of Coronavirus in Chandigarh. Being the cleanest and greenest cities in India, the health centres and PGI hospital here stays on its toes to keep the residents safe from the pandemic.
Evidence and studies suggest that the COVID-19 can quickly jump from an infected person to a healthy individual when both are in close contact. Whenever an infected person sneezes and coughs, the little droplets are released into the air which, when coming in contact with another person’s eyes, nose, hands, or mouth, chances are they will fall sick.
Not only on body parts, but it may also fall on anything like doorknobs, handles, surfaces, eatables, or any object they came in contact with. When you touch that surface with your hands and then put it on your face, the virus spreads.
The virus can stay active for a few days, so it is suggested to keep everything around you clean and sterilize it. The virus doesn’t spread through the air.
Maintain social distance and stay away from those who are infected or take precautions while dealing with them.
If we all collectively took preventive measures, then the number of deaths can be reduced drastically. Join hands together.
Protective Measures to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus in Chandigarh
Remember, we all are together into this and will come out stronger. It’s the time where we all are a support system for each other. Based on knowledge acquired, you can protect yourself from contracting COVID-19 if you follow the guidelines set by WHO.
Its our responsibility to make adults, children, and older people aware of how to stay safe from COVID-19. No need to make any rigid changes into your routine. Just follow the safety measures to stay safe and don’t believe in rumors.

The news sources are showing the darker side of this pandemic only—no need to panic as many people have got cured also.
So take preventive measures that we mentioned below to prevent yourself and keep others safe.
Here are a few steps to follow rigidly:
Preventive Measures For Family Especially Children’s
- Talk to your kids and make them understand the situation with which we all are dealing. As due to Coronavirus spread in Chandigarh, the schools and other group events that promote gathering are shut down here
- Find some creative activities for your kids online to keep them engrossed. Keep teaching them also so they don’t lag in studies
- Store the necessary food items, grocery, and other items are diapers, refills, sanitizers, handwash, napkins, toilet papers, etc. or anything you need daily
- Teach children to wash hands frequently using soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Wash or clean the surface which you often touch with the disinfectant
- Tell kids to sneeze or cough in arms or elbows rather than in hands
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth directly
- Distance kids from the people who are sick
- If the kid shows some sign of sickness, then keep them at home and call physician
Take help from here, and the helpline numbers for every state is mentioned.
Ways to protect yourself
- Wash your hands often
- Prevent going into social gatherings or public places
- Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
- Stay away from those who are infected with Coronavirus
- Use sanitizer that has 70% alcohol
- Work from home in case you are feeling sick to keep others safe
- If you already have some chronic health condition then take special care, stay away from crowded places and don’t go outside unnecessarily
- Don’t believe the misconception that if you are healthy and young, you will not contract COVID-19
- The symptoms may not appear and pass it on to others so self quarantine would be helpful
- Follow the concept of Social Distancing which is the only way to prevent the spread of Ncovid-19
- Don’t attend any events for a while
- Eat healthy home-cooked food and keep yourself hydrated
Understand if fewer people get sick, then they can quickly be recovered by providing the needed healthcare.
Recommendations for infected people
If you are in touch with the person who is already infected with COVID-19, then maintain distance. If you want to feed them, wear gloves and masks beforehand. Wash the utensils used by them with hot water. Clean your hands again after completing chores.
If you came to know yourself that are your Coronavirus positive, then quarantine yourself and watch your symptoms for 14 days. Keep taking the medicines to curb the symptoms. If the condition worsens, then seek medical attention.
Follow the CDC guidelines to keep yourself and community safe
The safety measures suggested by the CDC, if you are sick, can prove helpful for you as well as the entire community.
How is Chandigarh dealing with Coronavirus spread in India?
In UT, the situation is under control, and immediate steps are taken by the Chandigarh Administration to keep the people of tricity safe. As of March 19, 2020, only one positive case was detected in Chandigarh. The infected person is a 23-year-old girl who has a history of travel to the affected country.
The other person who died from Punjab is from Nawanshahr, Jalandhar, and had traveled history to Germany and Italy.
Chandigarh, also called The City Beautiful, is the cleanest and greenest city of India. Chandigarh Administration has taken immediate steps required to curb down the spread of Coronavirus in Chandigarh and make people aware. The COVID-19 has taken the world by storm.
Following are preventive measures taken in Chandigarh to deal with the current situation:
- The Gyms, Schools, Coaching Institutes, Malls, Nightclubs, PVR’s and Mandis are shut down till March 31
- The GMCH 16, 32, PGIMER and other hospitals have made the required arrangement to screen people and provide needed healthcare
- The PGIMER has the lab set up to check if you are Coronavirus Negative or Positive
- The Punjab Government released an official notification that the Buses (private and government), auto-rickshaws and tempos will be shut till March 31
- The public gatherings are limited to 20 people only
- People are told to stay at their homes and prevent going out
- The government through every mode is trying hard to make people aware of it and how to stay safe from it
- The Gov employees who returned from a foreign country are told not to come to office and self-quarantine for at most 14 days
- The suspected patients are kept in isolation, and all the surfaces with which the person has come in contact with are cleaned and disinfected
- The people are told not to go outside home until and unless something very urgent comes up
- All the offices and companies in tricity who has employees more than 50 are advised to shut their offices till March 31
- The popular tourist places like Rock Garden are closed till March 31
- People are told not to go to rushy places
- The famous religious sites in Chandigarh such as Mata Mansa Devi Mandir, Iskcon temple, Churches and Gurdwaras are said to hold down their events
- The community kitchens at Sector 22, 34 and 19 gurudwara are closed amidst coronavirus scare in Chandigarh and to prevent it from spreading
Problems people are facing.
- Amidst coronavirus scare, people of Punjab and Chandigarh are buying grocery items in bulk, which may lead to a shortage shortly.
- A person who just needs a 5ltr of refined oil to pass the month is now buying 20-25 liters. This leads to an increase in price.
The shopkeepers said that if this scenario continued, then the situation may worsen.
Find in CHD urges you to stay away from Rumors and Hoaxes. People are in a state of shock and don’t know how to deal with it. So we recommend that you don’t spread fear. Keep the jokes apart and follow the instructions released by the health administrations.
Myths Related to Novel Coronavirus Transmission
As social media and news channels are loaded with the stuff that is wrong to some extent, it leads to panic. So don’t believe them until you have the intact information.
Here are a few myths that we urge you not to believe:
Mosquito Bite Cause Coronavirus – The person who has contracted the Novel Coronavirus and mosquito bites it then later on if it bites the healthy person then it will not spread. That’s so because it is a respiratory virus, not a bloodborne virus.
Buying goods from China – Some people are concerned that if we purchased the products made in China, then the virus will spread. If you are so concerned, which is good, then first disinfect the thing or wipe it before touching or using it.
Virus from Pets – Till now, no studies indicated that the virus comes from your pet, or they can contract this.
Eat onion with salt and garlic – Boosting the number of such things will not help you. Eating the black pepper, ginger, etc. can help you boost immunity to some extent, but it is not the solution.
The Bottom Line
If you feel that you have symptoms of COVID-19, then make sure to call on 104, which is a coronavirus helpline number of Punjab.
As time passes, we don’t know that the situation will worsen or improve. No treatment or vaccine is yet available of COVID-19. Dozens of scientists and experts around the world are in the process of finding medicine. Clinical trials are still going on. The pharmaceutical and Research teams are working together to make the medicine available for the world as soon as possible once it is found.
Anthony Fauci, the director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases, said that if everything goes smoothly, then the vaccine might be available in a year to 18 months.